Okay, maybe the behind the scenes (BTS) material should come after the project but I have it now so I'm sharing it.
Aldric (upper left), Darrin, Theresa, Lucille (lower left), Ian, Mike, Lucille (right)
Theresa (left), Darrin/Theresa (middle), Jenna (right)
There were three of us working the shoot this time. Myself, Theresa, and Jenna. While Theresa and I were shooting, Jenna grabbed shots of our talent and the crew working the scene. Great stuff! Soon we'll be shooting the second part of the video which will include some more interviews and a company meeting. Stay tuned for updates on the finished video.
Darrin (upper left with Jenna in the lens reflection), Theresa (lower left), Ian & Mike (right)
I was fortunate enough to have some great help on this shoot:
Theresa Keil: 2nd shooting, video interviews
Jenna Fernandez: BTS shots + assistant
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